Friday, 22 May 2020

Hello, Goodbye poem

Today we made a Hello, Goodbye poem about the difference between a normal day of school and a quarantine day of school

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Daily connection question

The one thing that I want to do at level two is to go out on the jetski we bought before we went into lockdown

Friday, 8 May 2020

Daily connection question

Daily connection question 
What do you think the most important thing are to living a good life?

Friends, family, and money

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Today for maths we were working on different types of transformation the first one is the reflection it is when you flip a shape over its axis and it will look like there is a mirror in front of it. the second one is translation it is just when you move the shape somewhere else. third is rotation it is where if you rotate the shape up to 360 degrees the shape stays in the same position it just rotates. the last one is dilation this is where the size changes

Matariki kite

today for reading we read about how kites represent Matariki and then made a kite mine didn't fly good because it wasn't windy enough it was hard to make because I didn't have some of the stuff I needed to make it so I had to improvise 

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Today for maths I did rotational symmetry.
 rotational symmetry is if a shape can be put upside down and look the same it has rotational symmetry.
 this was not that hard because I have done it before.

daily connection question

can you tell me a joke?
What do you call someone with nobody and no nose? Nobody knows

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Daily connection question 
If you could invite any three people in the world to a dinner party who would you invite and why?
First I would invite Dan Carter because he used to be my favorite allblack until he moved away to france.
Second I would invite Richie McCaw so he could give me a ride in his helicopter.

Third I would invite Matt Jones because he is a really good mountain biker

Monday, 4 May 2020

Daily connection question

If you could change any three things in the world, what Would you change and why?
I would change the amount of time we go to school so we could have more time at home with family
I would change the amount of mountain bike trails around the west coast because then I would be able to do more mountain biking.
I would change the price of xbox live so you could spend more money on games